User Guide Instruction how to use Turbo Air USB Data

Step 1

1. Click 'Add Record' button.


Step 2

1. Give a name to the data you are uploading. Leave empty if you want to use the file name as the record name. A*

2. Upload USB Data downloaded from your product.

3. Click 'Save and back' button to add your data. B*


Step 3

1. Click the Record name to view.

2. Note that records are only kept for two hours. All the records older than two hours will be automatically deleted. *


USB Data Page: Table View

1. Click 'Raw data' to view your data in table format.


USB Data Page: Graph View

1. Click 'Graph' to view your data in graph format. A*

2. Control graph length, position, and zoom with the graph handle. B*


USB Data Page: Controls

1. You can adjust and manipulate data result by using controls.

2. You can Change date range within the range of the data set. A*

3. You can Change data interval. B*

3. In Graph View, you can adjust the graph interval C*


USB Data Page: Controls

1. You can also toggle the temperature type between F and C
